A dog and his best friend the balloon pug....

Quotes from random people on YouTube about this video "there's something really amusing about this" "lmao this made me laugh so hard that I died Xd." "THIS IS AN AWESOME...


There are probably few things better in life than coming...

Father daughter duets are the best, and this one doesn't disappoint!

We all love singing in our cars when no one...

A mothers love for her adopted cat might bring a tear to your eye

Three deformed kittens were dropped off at a shelter only...

7 Adorable Baby Siblings

The bond between these siblings melts our hearts! 

Top 9 Cutest Baby Smiles

Everyone loves a baby giggle! Here are 9 of our favorite smiles! 

Will a cute pug eat his fruits and vegetables?

Ever wonder just what fruits and vegetables a pug will eat and which ones they wouldn't touch with a ten...

7 Things Only Dog Owners Understand

We love our dogs! Here are 7 things only dog owners understand!

Six cats that aren't photogenic

Six cats that have no idea how to take a photo.... or should we say have a photo taken of...

Cutest puppy commercial ever!

We've all been there... going through life when suddenly a little guy jumps into your life and you weren't even...