Dad Tries To Cover Up Sleeping Baby's Hands And The Baby Monitor Caught The Most Hysterical Reaction

July 27, 2017

In the days leading up to the birth of my daughter, my wife and I looked for all the important things we would need in order to take care of her. Clothes and blankets were obviously a must but there were other things that may not have been needed, necessarily, but we sure got a kick out of them. Our video baby monitor was one such purchase and, as the family in this video would tell you, the camera can capture some pretty funny moments.

One night, little baby Tyler was in his crib and uncovered his hands. The night was a bit chilly so his dad, who had seen what happened on the baby monitor, went up to Tyler's room to cover him back up. The dad carefully crept into the room, so as not to wake his adorable, sleeping son up. The dad reached down to cover Tyler's hands back up and, after a few attempts, called his wife up to see the hilarity that had ensued.

Once the mom was in the room, Tyler's dad gently pushed his son's outstretched hand down and, as if connected to opposing strings, Tyler's other hand shot up in the air. The dad pushed the other hand down and the opposite hand shot up. This happened over and over again and Tyler slept right through it. The parents could not contain their laughter. Apparently, Tyler's hands, involuntarily, did not want to be covered that night. Watch the video below to see the ridiculous phenomenon of Tyler's restless hands.

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