When deciding to add a new furry addition to your home, you must be considerate of the fur babies that you have already pledged to love. Will they get along or at least live in peaceful co-existence? Or will they fight - like cats and dogs?
When Henry's parents decided to adopt a kitten, they were unsure, at first, what Henry would think. Henry is awesome, though, and even though Baloo was of the 'feline persuasion' he accepted him immediately as part of the pack!
The best part is that Baloo fits in with his new family purr-fectly! From his first days of living in his new home, he cried whenever they took Henry on his walks. So, they began to take Baloo along too, and the great outdoors is just what the little kitten was longing for!
Within the first week, Baloo went along with Henry and his parents on his first-ever mountain hike and LOVED it! He met many people and lots of pups along the way.
While out on their many adventures Henry is always looking out for his little brother. While Baloo does enjoy hiking, his short little legs do get tired. That is when Henry comes to the rescue and lets Baloo ride in a harness on his back!
At the end of a long day of exploring the great outdoors together, the brothers enjoy cozying up with one another in the same sleeping bag.
Make no mistake that every time these two go on an adventure together, they grow closer as friends and fur-ever companions. But nothing brings you closer together as siblings than matching costumes!
Henry loves being a big brother, and Baloo just adores his big brother Henry! It's so great to see how much they care for one another and what fun excursions they partake in. What a sweet relationship!