Horses Re-united After Years Apart - Their Reunion is Enough to Make you Cry!

July 27, 2017

 Childhood friends are some of the most important people you’ll ever meet because they help shape you into who you become. For animals, they’re just as important because they are their constant playmate and help each other learn manners. Horses in particular tend to build strong bonds that are not easily broken.

Arthur was born in 2004, and became friends with William when they were just foals. When they were yearlings, a foal named Harry arrived and the three became fast friends. The three colts lived and played together for years at the farm of the breeder before Arthur was sold in the spring of 2009.

On the fourteenth of December, 2012 the breeder was able to purchase Arthur back. The real question was how would the boys react when placed together again? The farm they grew up on was long gone and they were even in a new city. With so many new things would they even recognize each other? The answer was a resounding yes! Watch the video below to see their heartwarming reunion.


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