These days, it seems there is a lot of pressure to have the “perfect” Halloween costume, not only for our kids but also for ourselves! How did this happen? I remember when I was a kid, my typical costume consisted of a white sheet with holes cut out for eyes, or a plastic mask that I could barely see out of, not to mention how impossible it was to breathe properly while wearing either one!
Nowadays, the lengths parents go to, when decking-out their little darlings, are incredible! I have to admit that, when my daughters were young, I was known to conjure up homemade outfits: Snow White and one Dwarf; the classic but not-too-scary Witch; a Cheetah; and a little Devil that sported a wooden pitchfork lovingly crafted by my dad. Those were wonderful days. The memories are so precious that I have even saved these ensembles and hope that, one day, my grandchildren will choose to wear them.
For those of us who are not destined to make costumes from scratch, we can run down to the neighborhood Walmart and find a wide array of reasonably-priced apparel for the holiday. If you are interested in something a little more unique, you can visit any of the many online costume outlets that stock the more intricately-designed ensembles.
We thought it would be fun to assemble some of the cutest costumes out there, both pre-made and homemade, to help spark your imagination and get you on the road to being Halloween-ready. Enjoy!
Watch out for this little guy! He just might take off flying around your barn and then try to build a nest in your hair! And guard your "belfry" - whatever that is!
What’s one cute dwarf without Snow White and the six other little men? If you ask me, he looks quite “Happy” to be sitting here by himself. Maybe he’s waiting for the rest of the crew to come back from the diamond mines.
No one could ever call this friendly little Frankenstein a “monster!” I think he's one of the good Doctor's greatest creations.
I’ve never seen a more Precious Peacock! She's proud as can be to be portraying this majestic bird.
This Petite Penguin came all the way from the South Pole just to go Trick-or-Treating with you!
Watch your step or “Cap’n Stinker” might make you walk the plank!
Don’t make this green guy mad. In fact, he recently told me, and I quote, “You won’t like me when I’m angry!”
Isn't it every little girl's dream to be a Pretty Pink Poodle? I wonder if this one comes in adult sizes!
"Ho-Ho-Ho!" This fellow must have gotten the dates mixed up on his social calendar; I think he wants the holiday that comes at the end of December!
I want to hang this from my rear view mirror! Do you think it will obstruct my view?
This Little Stinker should make friends with the sweet-smelling fellow, above...just in case!!
This is my son's favorite candy. I wonder where I can get some in this size?
Little Leif here is ready to invade your neighborhood on Halloween night. Lock the gates and pull up the drawbridge or he'll raid and pillage your candy bowl, taking your Skittles and Starbursts hostage!
Still haven’t decided? Or maybe you just have your heart set on making something a little more unique. Never fear! We have some fabulous “create-it-yourself” outfits that some ingenious folks have fashioned for their little ones.
So if pre-made costumes are not your thing, you'll be interested in the next several ensembles. These artists have taken creativity to a whole new level with their clever and humorous get-ups!
Halloween is a night for "Nerds" - in more ways than one!!
Can I get this order Gluten-Free?
When Chucky comes to your door and asks if you want to play, just toss him some candy and quickly shut the door.
I hope you are rooting for “Da Bears” this season. If not, Coach Ditka might want to have a word with you when he comes to your door on Halloween night.
This humble house-elf would like to request that, instead of candy, you put an old sock in his Trick-or-Treat bag.
Don’t be fooled by this fellow’s cute, smooshy appearance. We all know he is a bad guy in disguise. Don’t be alarmed if you see him lumbering through the dark, scary streets of your neighborhood on Halloween, though. I’m pretty sure the “Ghostbusters” are on the job and ready to protect us all from this monstrous marshmallow menace!
Please help this down-on-his-luck little guy! If you happen to need someone to clean the eggs off your siding or get the T.P. out of your trees, he's just the man to do it! - and all it’ll cost you is two Kit Kats bars and three Tootsie Pops!
I think this cutie could get way more than 5¢ for one of his smooches.
I think we're gonna need a bigger pot!
I sure hope this lumberjack is able to take a break from his forest-clearing least long enough to do a little Trick-or-Treating.
Popcorn! Get yer popcorn! Hot, delicious, and adorable!
Do you think we'll have nice weather for Halloween? I hope we don't have any "purple rain" falling on the trick-or-treaters.
What a slick lifeline this little scuba diver has rigged up for his underwater adventures. He'll never have to make the difficult choice between his "pacie" and oxygen.
Do you think The Great Pumpkin will appear tonight? Charlie Brown and Snoopy are believers...are you?
Lady and The Tramp will be here any minute. I'm praying that they're not too hungry, but I still hope they have a "Bella Notte."
This little Sumo Wrestler is in training and he's following a very strict diet - He has to consume as many calories as possible so he can outsize his opponents. Help him achieve his goal by tossing a few extra Snickers bars into his treat bag, would you please?
"These Things will not bite you. They want to have fun." - The Cat In The Hat, Dr. Seuss. But watch out for their type of fun. I hear they cause trouble everywhere they go! When they come to your door, you can give them candy but, whatever you do, do NOT let them in the house!!
If you're planning on Trick-or-Treating at Mr. Fredricksen's house, you'd better hurry before it floats away!
If you see Leonidas and his 300 buddies coming down your street, give them a wide berth. They are relentless when it comes to their mission which, on Halloween, is to capture as much candy as possible.
I think my two favs are the old man from "Up" and the Movie Popcorn baby. How about you?
No matter how you dress your little ones - whether it's a ready-to-wear costume or a personally-designed creation, they are sure to have the time of their life as long as you are there with them. Halloween is one of those holidays that is best spent with the ones you love the most, and we hope you are able to do just that!
Leave your comments, below, and tell us how you plan to dress up your precious pumpkins! Happy Halloween!
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