When This Teacher Gave His Students A Spelling Test They Never Expected This!



What is the best April Fools prank you have ever had played on you? Well, the 4th grade students in Joey Dombrowski's class are going to have a hard time beating this one! 


Mr. D gave his kids an early prank, in the form of a spelling test. Now, spelling tests are hard enough, but what happens when your teacher makes up crazy words like "Shabolaskp" and "Tangateen" and he also has a legitimate sentence to go with each word? Hilarity and confusion ensue of course! The kids even thought he must be asking them to spell words in another language! 


 I don't know how he kept a straight face while doing this, but I'm sure I would not be able to! Watch the video and see if you could spell these funny words! 


Post by joey.dombrowski.


This was such a fun April Fools prank! Those kids were probably so relieved when he said the last word was "April Fools!" My favorite words words were "Speekuzslmn" which even had silent letters at the end of it and "Wazamata", I think I could have gotten that one right! What were your favorite words that Mr. D gave to the kids? Did you ever have a teacher pull a prank like this?  Let us know on our Facebook page! 

 SHARE this story on your Facebook page for those who could use a smile today!
