Picking up your new-found furry companion is always fun! For one woman it turns into something bigger than just getting a new kitten. Little does she know that her boyfriend has worked some magic and set up a sweet surprise to go along with her new adorable kitten.
When she arrives, they ask her if she would be willing to be in a promotional adoption video; she says yes. After the kitten is in her arms, the workers tell her that someone has purchased a tag for the kitten, and they need her to read it to ensure that it says the right thing.
Unknowingly, she reads what the inscription on the tag says, and then she sees him, her sweet boyfriend who has set this all up. He bends down on one knee, and he proposes! She, of course, says yes! Who could say no to a proposal made with the help of a cute kitten?!
What a fun way to pop the question! We hope that they live happily ever after and their new kitten loves his fur-ever home! Watch the sweet moment in the video, below, and let your heart melt!