Farm Sparks Internet-Wide OUTRAGE When Their Video of a Mini Horse Goes Viral

This video below is going crazy viral, and not for all the right reasons.

Japan's Suetoshi Farm, recently shared an Instagram clip of one of their miniature horse eating carrots, but not like how you've ever seen it done by an equine.


This little horse had been placed in a child's highchair and was sitting on its rear end eating carrots out of a bowl.

While the owners of the horse may have initially had good intentions, the majority of the internet sees it very differently.


Hundreds of comments have flooded in since the publishing of the video. Many slam the farm owners calling this abusive and that it is extremely detrimental to the wellbeing of the little horse's spine.

Some respond saying they think it is incredibly adorable.


Others even claimed that it isn't all that bad for a horse to sit in this position while eating, as it can apparently ease symptoms associated with megaesophagus, which is a malformation of the esophagus that makes it more difficult for a miniature horse to swallow.

Watch the short clip below to form an opinion for yourself.

What do you think about this? Adorable or abusive? Leave us a comment on Facebook!
