Scared Puppy Doesn't Make Things Easy For Rescuers When He Falls Down A Well. Once He Is Out He Only Has Eyes For One Thing [VIDEO]
The lengths people will go to nowadays to save animals is astounding. Whether it is climbing a tree to save a cat or jumping into a canal to save a dog, people seem to throw caution to the wind when it comes to animals. When an animal is rescued they show the sweetest forms of gratitude you will ever see. The puppy in this story doesn't make it easy for people to rescue him and he doesn't seem to keen to stick around to say thank you.
One day, rescuers received a call about a puppy in need of help. The rescue team dropped everything and rushed to the scene. When they arrived, the rescuers came upon a large well. As they looked down into the well they spotted the puppy. The puppy had fallen into the well the previous night and had cried all night in hopes someone would hear it.
The rescuers worked quickly to rescue the poor pup. One of the rescuers tied some rope around himself and had his friend lower him into the well. Once he was at the bottom, the rescuer approached the puppy cautiously. The puppy was terrified and kept backing away from the rescuer. This wasn't going to be as easy as everyone thought. CLICK "NEXT PAGE" TO READ THE REST OF THE STORY... [VIDEO]