Dog Rushed into the Room in a Wild Panic. Moments Later, Mom Realized it Was A Serious Warning

Dogs are magnificent on so many different levels. Their unique genetic makeup and their lovable, protective spirit are just a small portion of why we adore this animal so very much.

They can pick up on so many things.

When I was growing up, I had a dog that was very sensitive to emotional situations. She quickly could notice when someone was upset and would always rush to their side to comfort them in the best way she knew how.


Little four-year-old Sadie has a dog who also is her comfort, but far more than just for emotional support. Hero is a labrador who is Sadie's right-hand man.

Since Sadie was born, she has dealt with severe type 1 diabetes. If her levels drop even slightly, the family is on high alert.Her parents had done everything in their power to make sure their little girl was taken care of, and that is when they decided to buy Hero.

He is a trained diabetic alert dog who will notify them in a moment's notice when Sadie's blood sugar levels drop to a dangerous level.


Sadie and Hero have been inseparable since day one. So much so that you'd think they had known and loved each other all their lives!

One day while Sadie was at school over five miles away, her mother noticed Hero exhibiting very peculiar behavior. She knew that Hero only acted like this for one reason only...

She ran to the phone and immediately called the school and asked the nurse to check on Sadie.


Sure enough, the nurse reported back that her blood sugar levels were at dangerously low levels.

While no one is certain just how Hero could sense that from so far away, we're unbelievably grateful for his quick thinking and life saving actions!

Watch this video below to see the whole story.

He's got quite the appropriate name, don't you think?
