Nanny Cam Captures Mom in an INTENSELY HEROIC Moment [VIDEO]

Jennifer Hull's two young daughters were playing peacefully together when she heard a noise that would stop the breath of any mother...

Her little one-year-old daughter, Hollis, was frightfully gasping for air.

Hollis and her three-year-old sister, Hatilynn, had been playing and snacking on some veggie chips when Hollis began choking terribly.


Upon hearing the noise, Jennifer took no time in rushing to her young daughter's side to save her.

Thankfully, Jennifer quickly recalled steps she had learned in a child safety training course she had taken.

She began quickly pounding on her daughter's back in hopes of dislodging the chip.

Quickly realizing that her efforts were failing, she quickly moved to Plan B.


She quickly flipped Hollis around and began administering the Heimlich maneuver.

Not long after, the lodged veggie chip came flying out of her daughter's mouth.

Though she was filled with a large amount of relief, Jennifer was still terribly shaken up from what just took place.

Jennifer and her husband kept replaying the frightful occurrence over and over in their minds, thankful that the worst didn't happen.

While discussing it, they realized that their Nanny Cam had captured the entire scenario and decided to watch the frightful event once again.


While this was a very raw, emotional, and personal moment to them, they wondered if they should share their story with others in hopes of saving another child's life that could be in a similar situation.  

Thankfully, others now know what to do if they find themselves in a situation similar to this.

Watch this emotional video below and share with any mothers you know!