While Olly Competes In The Dog Show, His Personality Has Everyone Talking After Doing This

Dog shows are meant to show off the best of the best and is held in high regard.


So when one dog goes off script, it catches your attention.

When he does it more than once, it leaves you laughing.


Meet Olly, a Jack Russell Terrier, who has a contagiously energetic personality. He comes out running, knocks down his first obstacle and does a pretty good skid across the floor.

Olly gets up and just keeps running. A few times he decides to go his own way, making his own route.

When he runs up the board and takes a big leap over the top, I laughed so hard!


Olly is absolutely adorable!

If I had a dog, I'd want him to have Olly's personality!!

Check out the hilarious video below!
