Have you ever tried to charm your way out of getting a ticket? Once in awhile, it’ll work but most times, it’s a pointless endeavor. Most police officers are strictly business and are not the least bit interested in begging, crying, or flirting. They simply want to issue the citation and be on their way.
Well, this lady has discovered a fool-proof way to convince a “by-the-book” officer of the law to reconsider writing the ticket. All it takes is a little flattery, combined with expert delivery of the heartfelt sentiments. I mean, what’s a good-looking young officer of the law supposed to do when a citizen cannot get over how handsome he is?
When one woman is pulled over for a moving vehicle infraction, she is absolutely floored when she gets a gander at the guy who is in the police car. As her friend inside the car records the encounter, the woman is not shy about declaring how she feels, “You came over. You communicated what you needed. And then you were HOT!” She seems to be flabbergasted that her “arresting officer” looks as though he just stepped out of GQ magazine. She continues, “You see, if the police department hired more hot police officers, we wouldn’t have violence anymore!”
We have no idea what the nature of her infraction is, but one thing is for sure. Any hopes the officer has of making a quick, straightforward traffic stop disappear once this effusive lady opens her mouth. And we have to admit, she definitely has a point! I mean, how could anyone resist arrest when Cary Grant or Jon Hamm is the one apprehending you?
The still photos don't do it justice; you've got to watch the full video, below, to get the full effect. Enjoy!