Chevy is a gorgeous mutt who lives in Winnipeg, Canada with her adoring family. Her gorgeous looks made her family extremely curious about what her “pedigree” was, so they sent her DNA off to be tested! When the results came back, they found that she was a mix of Catahoula Leopard Dog, Beagle, Chow Chow, and 40% “Purebred Mutt!”
Chevy may be living the good life now, with her doting parents and playful brother, Dom, a beautiful black-and-white Shepherd mix, but it wasn’t always so for her. In fact, she had a really rough start to her life. If it hadn’t been for one kind hero, she would probably be in a lot worse shape.
When Chevy was a tiny puppy, she tried to cross a very busy road by herself. She didn’t know that you have to watch out for cars or that it was dangerous, and she was struck by a car. The person driving never stopped to help her, and left her behind to suffer.
Luckily for Chevy, someone spotted her as she waited for help; they knew they couldn’t leave her behind. They got her the veterinary care she needed and turned her over to the Winnipeg Pet Rescue Shelter where she could find her perfect forever home; she was only 11 weeks old at the time.
When Chevy was finally stable enough to go to foster care, she went with the family who would, one day, be her forever home. She fit in there from the very start, and her foster momma even made her an Instagram account of her very own. One week after going home with her foster family, they called the shelter and became her forever family.
Nowadays, Chevy is all grown up and, with the help of Dom, helps other foster pups learn their canine manners and get adopted by their forever families, too! While her life may have been rather rough for quite a while, it’s definitely turned around for the better. Now, she spends her day playing and being the dog she was always meant to be.