There are certain things that most, if not all, cats love to do. Eating, sleeping, and running around like crazy at four a.m. are just a few. One more thing that most felines can't resist, though, is an empty box!
While most cats love to relax in a box, I'm going to introduce you to a feline who takes that love to a whole new level. Meet Maru! Maru is a male kitty who is on the rather portly side. Maru has never met a box he didn't want to sit in!
Before I started writing about cats, I had no idea that so many of our favorite fur friends have set records in the Guinness Books of World Records. Maru has achieved an animal-wide world record though, not one just for cats. This funny kitty has The Most Views for an Animal on YouTube! He sets the bar high at 325,704,506 views!
One reason people all over the world love this charmer so, is his obsession with boxes. No matter how tiny, no matter the shape or the material, Maru will try to fit his round fluffy body into any object that even slightly resembles a box. In fact, even just the lid of a box is good enough for this cat.
His fur-sister Hana always looks a bit annoyed at Maru’s efforts, and her response is almost as funny as the sight of the big fur-ball trying to climb into the objects. He often steals the box before she even gets a chance to check it out. What does she do? She sits on top of the box with him in it!
In the video below, Maru is given a very tiny box. You can tell he is agitated and insulted by this small object. Nevertheless, this is Maru, and he has never met a box he couldn't resist! What will he do? Will he be able to fit into it? What qualifies as "fitting" into a box, anyway?