You'll Never Guess What This Guy Did To His House To Accommodate His Cats

April 07, 2017

Many people love their pets but would you transform your house for them? Would you do it for feral cats who come with the house you purchase?

I probably wouldn't.

This guy takes his love for animals to a whole new level!

When Peter purchased his house there were two outside, feral cats already there. After one passed away and the other was hit by a car and required many surgeries, he decided to keep the cat indoors.

Peter adopted another cat to keep the first one company.

And so starts the story...

Peter continued rescuing cats and is now up to 15.

But that's not the craziest part of this story...

He has transformed his house to accommodate the cats.

Peter put in cat walks all through the house. The cats are able to wander around anywhere in the house through these tracks, bridges, etc. Each opening into the next room is made to look like a face. One is a shark and has shark teeth that the cats can scratch their backs on.


He also has a koi pond that the cats enjoy watching the fish but have never caught one. Sounds like some spoiled, well loved cats!

Peter has spent $40-50,000 on all the cat walks.

Seriously?! It's crazy to see all of them!

They think of the house as being the cats and they just live with them.

In the middle of the night sometimes the cats will chase each other and cause the humans to wake but the guys don't really mind.

This is incredible! Watch the amazing video below!

What do you think of this crazy story? Would you do this for your cats? SHARE on your Facebook page!