Cotton is a gorgeous Miniature American Eskimo whose fur is so white you’d lose her in a snowstorm. This gorgeous pup loves to lounge on the couch and play with her soft toys, her favorite of which is a fuzzy little shark. Cotton loves the wind; the feel of it blowing through her fur always makes her close her eyes in complete relaxation.
It’s safe to say that Cotton is living every dog’s dream, but his life wasn’t always full of toys and treats. In fact, this beloved pup was found alone and terrified, wandering the woods of Pennsylvania in 2011. Her previous owners had grown tired of the dog, and no longer wanted to keep her. That’s when they decided that, instead of finding her a new home or even surrendering her to a rescue, they would abandon her to live in the wild.
Sadly, many people believe that dogs abandoned in the wild can live happy, fulfilling lives without concern. That’s not the case though, and a majority of abandoned pets will die slow, painful deaths - being hit by vehicles or from exposure to the elements in the harsh winters. The lucky ones will be rescued by people who spot the frightened animals and take them in.
When Cotton was abandoned, her beautiful long coat became a matted mess of fur - full of twigs, brambles, and even bugs. She did her best to scavenge for anything to eat, but there was only so much food to be found, and she began to starve. As time passed and she fought to survive, she slowly became weaker and more fearful of the humans who threw things at her and viewed her only as an inconvenience.
Thankfully, Cotton was spared a horrible death when heroes from the Greener Pastures Rescue saved her life. At first, they refused to believe that anyone could have abandoned this amazing dog. They passed out flyers and put up posters, trying to find the family who was surely missing her. As weeks passed and Cotton re-learned how to trust and became healthy again, they finally came to accept that no one was looking for her.
Lucky for Cotton, it wasn’t long before she found a forever home. Her new adoptive parents love her dearly, and can’t imagine life without this sweet, playful pup. She’s intelligent, spunky, and fiercely-loyal to her new family, and their lives would be so much duller without the love of their adorable Cotton in it. Cotton was forced to overcome a horrific abandonment, but it’s safe to say that now, her life is so much better than it would have been!