No matter what type of surgery someone goes through, there’s always some rehabilitation that needs to take place. Whether it be the healing of an incision or months and months of physical therapy, it can be quick or a long hard road.
Those who have to endure a long journey of recovery can be very wearing on the person and overall a very daunting time for that individual. One thing is for certain, having a loved one by your side, along with caring nurses and doctors, can help expedite the healing process.
For those of you who have experienced going through surgery then you know that touch, kind words, or just having someone present is a proven fact that you will heal quicker. In this video, you will see how a rescue Pit Bull puppy gets to experience exactly that.
Like any dog, when they come out of surgery from being spayed or neutered you can imagine the sweet canine would be confused or in a haze. This is precisely what was happening to this adorable rescue pup.
Instead of being placed in a kennel and shutting the door, the surgical assistant Dennis Moses went above and beyond to help calm the pup down and to make sure he felt safe, loved, and cared for. While holding him like a newborn baby, he gently gives hugs and kisses, and calmly speaks to the frightened puppy. It’s a lovely moment and beautiful act of kindness that should be shared around the world.
So the next time a person or animal you love goes into surgery, keep in mind that having you there by their side will advance the healing process. We all to often forget the power and influence that can circulate by hugging someone, holding a hand or just being present in someone’s life. Have you ever experienced incredible peace and healing by having someone by your side? If so, share your story today!